Wednesday, July 20, 2005

From the UV picture below:

This 'close up' was rendered using 'Photo Impression 5' imaging software. After zooming in 600% and sharpening the image, the result is an unexpected geometric shape.

I've also been following the thread and massive interest in this phenomena here:

The object was enhanced and eventually rendered the following image:

This image comes from using maximum zoom on the Spot to the right of the sun. From initial hazy zoom and glowing background, it's possible to discern, three raised areas above a platform of some kind. With a larger leap of the imagination you can see a Pyramid shape toward the lower center. After a little staring and a lot of rum I came up with the next picture;

Now this is just my rough rough Semi-Artist impression. But it looks strange and I'd invite anyone else to investigate. I'll include as many of the other sun pictures I have as I can.

Now this is just my rough rough Semi-Artist impression. But it looks strange and I'd invite anyone else to investigate. I'll include as many of the other sun pictures I have as I can.

This image came from this original NASA photo from the 19th:

I'd welcome any comments or feedback, I can be reached at my email or you can add comments to this BLOG.


I believe this spot is evidence of either a phenomena, such as UFO or a definate smoking gun, a strange Geometric object hovering to the right of the sun. Open Question to NASA, what is it? No I mean, lets not pretend its a weather balloon, let's be serious it's not a planet, so any ANSWERS NASA?

Also another theory related to this (signs in the Sun Moon and Stars (Bible last days)

Theory of 555 5 555 - July 10th start of Gods Appointed times?

These pictures are further evidence of the spot to the right of the sun. I'll upload the sequence, it makes interesting watching when seen in sequence.

All these images were obtained from the following WEBSITE


Blogger bio-hazerd said...

that's pretty cool. i like the photos.

5:57 PM  
Blogger FotoMan said...

Looks like it is between the sun and us, not necessarily close to the surface. Could it be a defect in the camera?

6:42 PM  
Blogger jasgrave333 said...

Thanks both for your comments, the 3d aspect alone would not allow for this kind of defect. It's no trick of the camera and no defect, not for the signatures and the close up affects. I'm not an expert, though so please, take my comments, just with a pinch of my hundreds of hours of research into imagery and fakery. I do not believ any one of these pictures to be a fake, I can send anyone enlarged original picture and pictures. Of 5 different spectrums of this same picture.

I can send each of you from my hotmail account the original NASA pictures for you to examine independantly. Thank you.

8:22 PM  
Blogger John said...

Jas, I'll try to find out anything I can. I'll even put whatever I find on my blog (giving u credit, of course). If we work together, I know we can solve this. Btw, it sort of looks like one of RCH's concepts of what Iapetus used to look like.


10:23 AM  

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